At Taxwize we specialize in the following services:
1040 Series
Amended returns for previous years
1120,1120S, 1065, 2290
Amended returns for previous years
The more information you provide the better picture we will have of your individual tax situation. As you prepare for your appointment review the following list and bring the appropriate documents if they apply to you:
After your first consultation, it’s possible we will uncover areas that may require additional information to prepare a complete tax return. You may be asked to provide some more information and schedule a second consultation or simply email the required documents. It will depend on the situation and how many forms are required to complete your return. This is perfectly normal and nothing to be concerned with. Remember, our job is to make sure your return is complete and no opportunity missed when it comes to your unique situation. We work for you and our objective is always to do what is best for our client while complying completely with the guidelines of the IRS.